
TheUFOInve stigatorwithCh [歌手]

The UFO Investigator with Charles Lear: Part 2 - June 25, 2022

Seriah continues a fascinating discussion with researcher and author Charles Lear. Topics include Albert K. Bender, \Other Worlds\ magazine, Gray Barker, the International Flying Saucer Bureau, \Space Review\ newsletter, Men In Black, Max Steiner Appreciation Society, French UFOs and humanoids, Aime Michel, Jacques Vallee, Marius Dewilde, Jim and Coral Lorenzen, Major Donald Keyhoe, APRO vs. NICAP, UFO flaps and grid patterns, Earth Lights, conscious plasma, errors in reporting affecting the popular consciousness, the phenomenon appearing as what people expect to see, a French mayor who banned UFOs and ordered the police to detain any occupants, a strange detail of the Hopkinsville goblin incident, the importance of original sources in paranormal research, Japanese UFO and \alien\ encounters, non-humanoid visitors, a Japanese farmer who becomes a contactee, Japanese investigator Kinichi Arai, the International UFO Lab in Fukushima, the Fox sisters and Spiritualism, Ted Bloecher, Civilian Saucer Intelligence [CSI, lol], Robert Honeycutt encounter, Joshua Cutchin and \The Brimstone Deceipt\, a bizarre 1950's encounter in California involving multiple witnesses and entities and craft, Morris K. Jessup, the \Philadelphia Experiment\, T. Townsend Brown and anti-gravity, James A. Lee, exceptional sightings in Texas, an incredible encounter in Papua New Guinea featuring an Australian priest, Betty and Barney Hill, people injured by UFOs, Latin American UFO encounters, an abduction and missing time in the Everglades, James E. McDonald, Alan J. Hynek, swamp gas and ball lightning, criticism of the Air Force, Project Blue Book, Major Hector Quintanilla, and much more! This is one not to be missed!

- Recap by Vincent Treewell of The Weird Part podcast

tag: UFO,UAP,Alien,High Strangeness,Flying Saucer,Unknown,Unexplained,Mysteries,Mystery,History
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私は童貞くんの壁尻ゴ ミ箱です。01[東山しをん] [歌手]






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